Our Services
Joseph H. Neal Health Collaborative is a 501c3 located in Columbia, SC, that provides preventive public health services.
Our services demonstrate quality, reduce the cost of care, and improve the patient experience by serving all people in need As a health care home, those services are patient centered and support focused.
Our care is personalized, coordinated and convenient. We offer a combination of care from highly qualified providers. Our Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, Access and Prevention Specialist all work as a team to help you manage your health.
We Address:
HIV/STIs & HEP C Testing
HIV/STIs & HEP C Education
PrEP Services
Referral to Specialty Providers
Referrals for medical tests (may include, but are not limited to x-rays, CT scans, MRI's, laboratory tests, ultrasounds, and mammograms)
Telehealth Appointments
Free Health Insurance Enrollment